
Sergiy Korzh

Sergiy Korzh


He graduated from the faculty of cybernetics of the Kiev National University of T. Shevchenko.

Since 1998 is engaged in development and sale of own software on the shareware model under the trademark Korzh.com. Main direction: program components for various platforms and development tools (Delphi, .NET, ASP.NET).

At present, the Korzh.com products are used by developers in more than 150 countries, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, and others.

2007-2012 - an architect of functionality and then the head of the Mail.UA project.

Since 2018, the founder of Aistant.com - a startup which automates the creation of Q&A and customer support bots for your business with the help of NLP (natural language processing) technologies.

Internet technologies

14:00 — 14:10

Head of the Stream: announce


Title Sponsor
General Sponsor
Sponsor of the stream
«Advertising and Promotion»
Sponsor of the stream
«Digital Fun/CRM& Loyalty»
Sponsor of the stream
Sponsor of the stream
Sponsor of the stream
«Startups / Blockchain»
Building Partner
Educational Partner
Financial Partner
Innovative Partner
Payment Partner
Integrative Partner
Auto Partner
Smart Partner
Legal Partner
Partner of Comfort
Air Partner
City of the Future Automobile Partner
Auto Partner
Auto Partner
Fintech Partner
Book Partner
Furniture Partner
Invest Partner
Digital Partner
Logistic Partner
Water Partner
Partner of Exclusive
Business Gifts
